Forbidden words in Karaoke

A karaoke host’s mission every night is to establish a modern-day vibe of “Kumbayah”. Unfortunately, certain forbidden words in music add to the stress of the job. While we aim for inclusivity, certain words that exist in the English language have origins rooted in bigotry. This creates a slippery political situation every night, with the Karaoke host stuck in the middle.

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The Subtle Mind-Games of a Saturday night Karaoke Host

As I’ve said in previous blogs. Ultimately, my job as a Karaoke Jockey is a bit more abstract than I imagined it to be before I took the job. Ultimately my job is to make sure that people “have fun” and stick around and drink drinks. Sometimes, however, one person’s fun makes several other people … Read moreThe Subtle Mind-Games of a Saturday night Karaoke Host

Experiments with AI Video for Song Lyrics, Poetry, and Book Passages

This video is a rough demonstration of how a video might be generated from Music Lyric prompts using various techniques of AI coercion. It shows some of the promise, but also some of the challenges in attempting such a feat. Obvious benefits Some challenges.. Now here’s a AI interpretation of a book passage that is … Read moreExperiments with AI Video for Song Lyrics, Poetry, and Book Passages

Progress Report 11/7, Better multi-artist search and more

In developing, I’m learning the hard way that there’s a reason every Karaoke book in every Karaoke dive bar you’ve ever been to is riddled with errors and is an utter mess… it’s because maintaining these books is REALLY hard. Way harder than I ever anticipated it being when I first set out to … Read moreProgress Report 11/7, Better multi-artist search and more